Public Ballot is made by drawing lots. The first-round and second-round balloting results will be available from 2pm on 4 September 2024 (Wednesday) and from 2pm on 13 September 2024 (Friday), respectively. Notification will be sent to applicants by email. Applicants may also login to the Runner Dashboard to check their entry status thereafter.
Permanent Residents of Hong Kong will be eligible for Marathon Special Incentive Award and Special Prize Money. Please refer to the PRIZE section on Official website ( for details. 香港特別行政區永久性居民有資格獲得馬拉松特別獎勵計劃及特別獎金。詳情請參閱官方網站上獎金部分。
Your full name, which should be the same as that on your HKID, will be printed on the Results and Certificates. 你必須填寫跟你的香港身份證上相同的全名,用作印在賽事結果及相關證書上。
DD/MM/YYYY (Please use the system-provided calendar for selecting your Date of Birth. Do not enter any digits manually. 請使用系統提供的月曆選擇出生日期,請勿自行輸入數字。)
Format: A123456(7) 格式:A123456(7)
The Organiser will send ballot results to all participants and other event details to all successful applicants by SMS. 大會將會透過手機短訊發送抽籤結果及其他賽事資訊給成功報名的參賽者。
The Bib Number of the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 2024 will be used for checking of race results in the 2024 race. Progress Award Certificate will be issued if qualified. 渣打香港馬拉松2024號碼布編號將用於查閱2024年賽事成績。若跑手合資格,將會獲頒發賽事進步獎證書。
Marathon applicants MUST have successfully completed at least 1 race (10km or longer distance) in the SCHKM or any local / overseas races between 1 Jan 2023 and 31 Jul 2024. 馬拉松參賽者必須於2023年1月1日至2024年7月31日期間,成功完成渣馬或任何本地/海外(十公里或以上距離)賽事最少一次。
Please provide the correct race name. Your registration will be rejected if the race name cannot be identified. 請填寫正確的賽事名稱。若填寫的比賽名稱不正確,你的報名將不被接納。
Please note that there is no guarantee that your selected size will be available, and the T-shirt sizes given to participants will be subject to availability in stock. 參賽者報名時選擇的T恤尺碼只供參考,大會將視乎存貨量作適當分配。敬請留意。
If you intend to take part in the Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon (SCHKM) 2025 on 9 February 2025, you should read the questions below and answer each of them honestly. Common sense is your best guide when you answer these questions. 如果你計劃參加2025年2月9日的「渣打香港馬拉松2025」,你應該閱讀以下問題並誠實地回答每一個問題。普通常識是回答這些問題的最佳指引。
Check YES or NO for the following questions: 請就以下問題選擇「是」或「否」:
Contents based on Leisure and Cultural Services Department’s latest 《Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire PAR-Q》Source of the PAR-Q: The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology 內容根據康樂及文化事務署最新的《體能活動適應能力問卷》體能活動適應能力問卷來源:The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology.
You should appreciate that taking part in any of the races of the SCHKM (Marathon, Half Marathon and 10KM) is a strenuous exercise and that you should only run on the day if you have adequately prepared. If you become aware of any unusual symptoms that may develop during the race, e.g.: Chest pain, dizziness, severe nausea, unusual shortness of breath, change in your running style, confusion and disorientation, you should stop running and seek medical attention immediately. Although you may feel it is more important to finish the race, it is your health that should always take priority. 你應了解渣打香港馬拉松各項目賽事(包括馬拉松、半馬拉松和十公里)都是考驗耐力的運動,你應在充分的準備下參與賽事。如果你發現比賽期間身體出現任何異常症狀,例如:胸口痛、頭暈、嚴重噁心、異常呼吸短促、跑姿改變、神志不清和迷失方向,你應該立即停止賽事並即場尋求醫療協助。你可能覺得完成比賽更重要,但你應該優先考慮你的健康。
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